Saturday, July 10, 2010

I am Happy Happy Happy...pretty much :-)

 I have made some really good friends over here. 
We go out, talk and sometimes laugh until we cry.

We all have a different story to tell and bring something different into our friendship.
Deb owns the Inn in town and is this free spirited woman who loves to smile.  Steven manages a resort outside of town and he never fails to make us all giggle but is right there when a serious conversation is needed. 

 I am secretly hoping the two of them will become more than just friends but even if that never happens, I will be content for all of us to continue as is.
Deb makes this amazing Peanut Butter pie and even though it is a "secret recipe", I hope to one day get her drunk enough to give it to me! hahaha

We are having a birthday party for Steven Thursday. He will be 42. Our friends at the Bar&Grill are hosting it.  It is nice to have friends in high places. *smile*
I do need to get my hands on a Cheesecake recipe.  It is Stevens favorite but I have never made one that didn't come out of the box!  I will youtube it!

I guess this proves you are never too old to make close friends.  Just got to open up a little and let people in.

Update!!!  They got together!... Then they broke up. LOL.. Oh, I still don't have that recipe. :o)

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