Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Things I've Learned in My 41 Years..

The presence of God in your life is the most valuable thing to have

Having gratitude for the small things in life will keep you grounded

The laughter of of my grandson is the best thing ever

Empathy is the the most powerful virtue. From it, all virtues flow. Without it, all virtues are an act

A nice cuppa tea is like a little bit of heaven

Nobody has it all figured out

If you look, there is beauty to be found within the messes of your life

The grass isn't always greener on the other side

Blame is the favorite pastime of those who refuse to take responsibility for anything

Wounds heal faster under bandages than they do in the open air

It’s better to sing off key than not to sing at all

Dreaming is essential

Prayer really does change things

Every problem you have is your responsibility, regardless of who caused it

Opportunity does not always look appealing at first

Family and true friends are to be cherished

Human perfection is an illusion but my husband comes pretty close

Unforgiveness reveals weakness of character, gossip even moreso

There really are some things worth fighting for

Rest is essential

When people talk bad about others, it's because they have nothing good to say about themselves

Joy comes in many forms

Cough syrup doesn’t work.

The devil wants to exploit your wounds; God wants to heal them

Words are more powerful than you think

Never give up hope

Genuineness speaks to the heart

Sometimes the answers are right in front of you
Love does cover a multitude of sins

One soft word spoken out of love is more powerful than a hundred screamed in anger

God really does love each and every one of us

Change is a sure and constant thing

People won't always understand

What you do really matters, choose wisely...


  1. Wonderful words of wisdom, thank you.xx

  2. Wow, true words. I love he way you think, I am sure its because of God's love operating in your life. From one lover of God to the other, you make me proud to call myself a christian. All the best and continue to let your light shine.
