Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Stuff and things, things and stuff

I’ve been thinking a lot, the last couple of weeks, about histories and futures and—most of all—the gift of the present. I still struggle every day with appreciating that last one as much as I ought to, which is pretty ironic given that I’m not not one to leave history behind and oftentimes thinking about the future causes me to have palpitations.

I don’t like unknowns. I like knowing what IS and what WILL BE and learning from what WAS and then moving on. You know, to the safety of what IS. Heh. Though it can be hard to fully EXPERIENCE what is when one is busy INVENTORYING it. Not that I would know anything about that. Ahem.
My Jack talked to an Army recruiter today....I am terrified but I will try to smile.......

life has a tendency to win out, one way or another.

every time.

every single time.....


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